On September 10, 2016 Assumption (Louisville) girls’ volleyball coach Ron Kordes won the 1,000th match of his career in the semifinals of the Ultra Ankle® Louisville Invitational Volleyball Tournament.
We recently spoke with Coach Kordes, who is also the Club Director of Louisville-based volleyball club KIVA, to congratulate him on his career milestone and also to ask him his professional opinion on ankle injuries and volleyball ankle braces.
According to Coach Kordes, he has seen volleyball players on his club and high school teams wear pretty much every type of ankle brace in the past, including wearing no braces at all.
“We’ve had kids in lace-ups, which we’ve never seen much merit in those and have seen kids injured in those as they don’t seem to prevent any injury. We’ve also used a hard, rigid hinged type of brace. The problems we would have with that would be them being out a tournament and they would break. The other part of it is that we would have kids that were still being injured in them.”
Coach Kordes goes on to explain that the majority of his key players are now wearing the Ultra Zoom® ankle brace due to many factors, but mainly because the “comfort, support and durability is fantastic” and he doesn’t have to force them to wear the brace because it “feels good to them and once they break it in – it’s a part of their foot.”
In the video above, Coach Kordes shares his view on ankle bracing for volleyball players and provides some valuable advice for coaches and parents when it comes to preventing ankle injuries in their own athletes.
If you have any questions about how you as a club director, coach, or parent can get preventative ankle braces for your volleyball athlete, give us a call at 317-520-9898 or send us a message and our certified athletic trainers would be happy to discuss your questions or concerns with you.
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